26 KBS delegates passed the KSN will continue on to the Yogyakarta Special Region provincial rounds

Once again, the National Science Competition was held on 10 March, this year, by The Directorate for
Senior High School Guidance, the Director General for Elementary and Primary Education, and the
Department of Education and Culture, through the

National Centre for Excellence. The competion is an
annual program that is held at district, provincial, and national levels. The Bantul district competition
was held at State High School 1, and State High School 2, Bantul.
Kesatuan Bangsa High School sent a delegation of 37 students to participate in 9 subject fields at these
competitions. The fields consisted of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Geology,
Economics, Astronomy, and Computer Science.
From the 37 delegates sent to represent the school, an amazing 26 students succeeded in making it
through to the district level, and will continue on to the Yogyakarta Special Region provincial rounds.
The data of students who will continue to the provincial level of competitions, and their ranking in the
Bantul District, can be seen below.
1. Mathematics
M. Alan Maulana Ishaq (Ranking: 1)
Charisma Pramydya Rudiyanto (Ranking: 2)

Unzila Kaylina
2. Physics
Daud Muhammad Azhari (Ranking: 1)
Wulan Maulani (Ranking: 2)
Althaaf Syaikha Nuhaad (Ranking: 3)
3. Chemistry
Reyhan Adhiguna (Ranking: 1)
Raditya Eka Putra (Ranking: 2)
Ayesha Rida Izzati (Ranking: 3)
4. Biology
Hanum Rahmawati (Ranking: 1)
Yasmina Ashfa Zahidah (Ranking: 2)
M. Hanif Aviceina
5. Geography
M. Alsamtu Tita (Ranking: 1)
Aulia Davetta Athif (Ranking: 2)
6. Economics
Aydinahasna Huwaida Aziz (Ranking: 1)
Putri Dwi Lestari (Ranking: 3)
Martina Cahya Pratiwi
7. Earth Science
Glady Sajidah Zahra
Durrotul Salma
Stevany Syarofatul Aini
8. Astronomy
M. Hazel Variansyah (Ranking: 1)
Farhan Adyansah (Ranking: 2)
9. Computer Science

Nagata Prama Aptana (Ranking: 1)
M. Kautsar Aryana (Ranking: 2)
Danar Abiyoga Prakosa (Ranking: 3)
